Fame is a game where you expand your influence on Twitter by strategically choosing your tweets from two positive sentiment and two negative sentiment tweets. Guess the tweet that will gain you the most followers and become Famous! The game was built during the Huggingface AI Game Jam. Theme of the jam was “Expanding”.

We used a Twitter corpus from NLTK, a celebrity tweet dataset from Kaggle, a multilingual embedding model from Huggingface sentence-transformers (https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2) and an algorithm from sklearn (cosine similarity) to build a game that uses real data to update your score during game play. ChatGPT 3.5 also helped out!

PS Hover over the Celebrity Followers number to see which celebrities are following you!

The project is open source and available on github, feel free to delve into the algorithms that we used to build the game in the associated Jupyter notebook and generate your own game mechanic: https://github.com/mariakesa/Fame

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


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Hi Maria, I was shortly on the game jam team before we made our games separately. Anyhow I wanted to reach out to someone who is knowledgeable of ml, so that they can help me create a NN AI product. Can you message me back? 

Sure! Write me at mariarosekesa@gmail.com. I can help a bit, but I'm pretty busy with my job and side projects though!